Friday, January 4, 2013

30 in 30 - #3: Charlie Brown Poinsettia

My watercolors were working again for Day 3!  

Throughout the 30 days I'd like to paint from life as often as possible.  Our Christmas poinsettia was on the kitchen table today so it became my subject.  The pot is covered in a dark red foil wrapper with many folds, which turned out to be not so challenging to paint.  Since my intent during the 30 in 30 is to loosen up my painting style, I edited the number of leaves and petals--er, bracts--to simplify the image.  Wow did I edit!  I promise the actual poinsettia has WAY more foliage than my "Charlie Brown" poinsettia, LOL. Lesson learned...and that's what I'm here to do. :-)

6 x 10 watercolors on 140 lbs cold pressed paper

1 comment:

  1. This is cool-like a vignette.
    The 30 day challenge is inspiring!


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